VidyaLakshmi – A single window platform for Education Loan, Educational Loan has been a major help for those students who are financially back-warded but ambitious to continue their studies. Students who can not afford for higher education due to financial constraints can avail this loan and repay as per the terms and conditions laid by the bank at a nominal rate of interest.
Apart from educational Loans, another instrument of help to the financially back warded students is scholarship. There are numerous schemes of scholarships sponsored by government as well as private sector enterprises and trusts & charitable associations. Many students found it very difficult to get technical and administrative support for these schemes.

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VidyaLakshmi – A single window platform for Education Loan
Government of India – Ministry of Finance has proposed in his budget speech of 2015-16, to set up a completely IT-based administrative authority to look after all these needs. This has been names as Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram (PMVLK).
Solving the difficulties faced by the students in obtaining educational loans and scholarships is the main purpose of this program. This program enables the students to get themselves registered and avail of the services in a very user-friendly interface. We will ensure that no student misses out on higher education for lack of funds. The IT-based mechanism under the Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram is expected to provide to students a single window electronic platform for Scholarships and Educational Loans, said Mr finance minister.
Students can easily access the following information and services:
- Complete details of educational loans & schemes offered by various banks
- Educational loan application from.
- Enables to apply for various educational loans of multiple banks.
- Facilitate to check the loan processing status.
- Facility to email the grievances related to the educational loans.
- Comprehensive information about various government scholarships.
How can I apply for Educational loan through Vidya Lakshmi?
The applicant must register and log in to the Vidya Lakshmi portal and then fill up the Common Education Loan Application Form (CELAF) by providing all the necessary details. After filling the form, the applicant can search for Educational Loan and APPLY as per his/her needs, eligibility and convenience.
Alternatively, the applicant can also search for Educational Loan after login and apply for the suitable Educational Loan by filling the CELAF.
First of all Students have to register in this portal to avail the services of this program. After completion of user registration, one can easily download the common educational loan application form which has been approved by the Indian banks Association. This form helps in applying for student loans of multiple banks.
Based on their requirements students can search various loans and select it & fill the form and apply to the banks the status of which can be checked in the portal after some days. Students can contact the banks for any queries and grievances related to loans.
Registered banks:
Right now there are 23 Banks offering 44 loan schemes registered in this portal. Students can avail educational loans from these banks by following the above-said procedure.
- This portal acts as a single window for getting students loans so it saves lot of time.
- Procedure to apply is very easy and user friendly so no need to worry about roaming around the banks.
- Status of loan application is uploaded by the banks into this portal .Hence it saves the students from personally visiting the banks again and again at various stages of loan processing.
- For the students who want to study abroad can get their loan application processed within a short span of time than in case of traditional way of loan sanction.
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