Vacation Leave Letter Format: The leave Leave letter should be respectful, complete, and clear. When you look at leave letter samples, keep these key points in mind. Vacation is a type of paid leave that employees can take for personal reasons, such as rest, travel, or spending time with family.
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How to write a leave letter?
Make notes beforehand: Gather your notes and think carefully before you start writing. Most of your letter will contain dates, facts, details, and guidance for your employer in your absence, so you don’t want to leave out anything important accidentally.
Pay attention to important details: You may want to express how much you’ll miss this place after you leave, but focus on the key information first.
Be polite: Even if your employer is legally bound to keep your position while you’re gone, say thank you anyway. Thank you never hurts.
Double-check: After sharing your letter with your employer, get confirmation that you’re both on the same page about dates and expectations. Do this before you walk out the door.
Are you looking for a leave letter format in MS Word and PDF for various vacancies? Here you can download many leave letter formats in Word format. This leave letter is designed for freshers and professionals with a few years of experience. If you think your leave letter is ready to provide some helpful backup to your CV, then make it now.
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How to format a letter for leave?
- First would be the introductory paragraph, where you will introduce yourself and politely state your point. Your introductory paragraph should give the reader a basic idea about your leave application.
- After this, there will be the body of the letter in which you can include the reason for the leave and other facts related to the dates. Make sure that in the body of the letter, you include all the necessary important details without exaggeration.
- The last part would be the closing paragraph, in which you should succinctly sign off respectfully and politely.
Your Vacation Leave letter, like these Vacation Leave letter samples, will consist of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Begin with a brief and polite introduction that gets directly to the point (for example, “As you know, I will be taking a temporary period of Vacation Leave this summer to travel to Belgium to complete my dissertation”).
The body of your letter will include the important information that your employer should know about your departure date, return date, expectations upon your return, and anything you expect your employer to do, handle, or monitor during your absence (you may want to break these items into distinct bullet points for the sake of clarity). Your final sign-off should be polite and respectful.
Common Vacation Leave Letter Mistakes –
As you draft and edit your letter, use these Vacation Leave letter samples as a model and watch out for the following common mistakes:
Erroneous details: Check and double-check to make sure your factual information is correct. Check your departure date, return date, and reasons for leaving, and cite the company or legal policies that protect your job while you’re gone.
Skipping your contact information: Make sure your boss knows how to reach you in the event of news or emergencies. If you don’t want to be contacted, make this clear.
Leaving room for misinterpretation: Some of your responsibilities may be difficult to explain, but find a way. If your letter contains even a small degree of ambiguity, you may find yourself returning to a mess.
Too much detail: If you ramble on for too long, your most important information may slip through the cracks. If possible, limit your letter to one or two pages at the most.
Vacation Leave Letter Format
Here we are providing some samples for the leave letter format. You can see these formats online and we also upload these files in MS Word format so after checking the leave letter format sample you can download these samples in MS Word. We upload many types of leave letter formats. Now see the leave letter format samples below-
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Format 1
Employee’s Name
Employee’s Address
City, State, Zip Code
A supervisor or HR person’s Name
Company’s Name
Company’s Address
City, State, Zip Code
Re: Request for one week’s vacation leave
Dear Sir/Madam,
This letter is a formal request for one week’s vacation leave from DATE to DATE. I will be back at work on DATE. My wife and I are planning a vacation for the first time in five years.
All of the projects that I am working on will be completed before the leaving date. I have asked other members of my team to make sure that all of my responsibilities are covered while I’m away, and they have agreed. My team leader has agreed with my vacation request. I have enclosed a letter from her.
If you have any questions or considerations, I can be reached at 555-123-4567 or a [email protected]. While on vacation, I will be checking my email every day, so I can be reached if it is urgently needed.
Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if my vacation request has been approved at your earliest convenience, so I can finalize our flight and hotel bookings.
Employee’s Signature
Employee’s Name in Print
List of enclosures
In Image Format

Vacation Leave Application Format 2
Terrance Optor
100 Broadway Lane, New Parkland, CA, 91010
David Hailser, Sales Manager
100 Broadway Lane
New Parkland, CA, 91010
Dear Mr. Hailser,
At this time, I would like to submit my request for a week’s vacation that will run from November 24, 2014 to December 1, 2014. My family and I would like to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with our extended family back east and we need to make arrangements now to make the trip comfortable.
In anticipation of my vacation, I have already started putting together all the necessary templates that I will need to fill out for October sales numbers and November sales projections. I have also discussed my vacation with my coworkers and have several people who are willing to serve my customers while I am gone. I will take the time to make personal introductions over the phone between my customers and stand-in sales representatives before I leave.
If you need to discuss this further or need clarification on this request, please call me at (555) 445-2322, or email me at [email protected]. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on this issue so that I can initiate the necessary arrangements.
Sincerely Yours,
Terrance E. Optor
Format 3
William J. Jones, Assistant Manager
Smith Communications
430 Bluebird Lane
Columbus, OH 43266
August 1, 2013
Jesse R. Perez, HR Manager
Smith Communications
839 Red Rock Road
Columbus, OH 43266
Dear Mr. Perez,
I am writing this letter to formally request my vacation leave ahead of time. I would like to take my vacation time for the dates of September 1, 2013, through September 21, 2013, to take a cruise trip through the Bahamas with my wife. I think you will find that I have not used up enough vacation days this year to prevent me from being absent from work for this length of time and have always endeavored to conduct myself with integrity in the office.
I am planning to finish all currently incomplete projects between now and September 1, 2013, and send in any remaining ones by fax. I feel very confident that the rest of the team will be able to continue excellent work in my absence. If there are any important work-related questions or concerns, I can be reached by email during my leave at [email] and will respond when time and an Internet connection become available to me.
If I need to clarify or follow up on this matter, please do not hesitate to email me at the address provided above or call me at (632)470-5622. I look forward to your response, and thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
William Jones
William J. Jones
Assistant Manager
Smith Communications
Format 4
Mr. Mark Karev
Keppel Street,
London, WC2E 7HT ABC Services Ltd.
March 26, 2013
Mr. Peter Parker
ABC Services Ltd.
Dear Mr. Parker,
I am writing this letter to request a vacation leave from December 1, 2013, to December 10, 2013. I have planned to go to the Bahamas to spend some time away with my family. We have been planning this trip for over a year now, and as my leave balance would indicate, I have not taken any extended leaves ahead of this trip.
The project that my team is currently working on is in its final stages with most of the work completed. I believe my capable team members will be able to manage the remaining work and finish the project well before the deadline. However, I recommend Ms. Jenna to be assigned my responsibilities in my absence as she is the senior member of the team after me and has been engaged with this project right from the start.
Furthermore, in case of any unexpected developments or emergencies, I shall be available for contact by phone and through e-mail.
I am looking forward to a favorable response to my leave application.
Sincerely yours,
Mark Karev
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